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See Tobacco Cognitive deficits, spectrum of outcomes following prenatal exposure, 282 Computational toxicology, definition, 95 Conceptus, 190 Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), activating ligands & CYP targets, 130 Cortical abnormalities in foetal alcohol syndrome, 283 Covalent binding theory of toxicity, precision & historical development, 100 Craniofacial abnormalities cooperative with prenatal toluene familiarity, 213 features in foetal the bottle syndrome, 280 Cultured rodent embryos, 205 Cyanobacteria, role in toxic blooms, 174 Cylindrospermopsin hepatotoxicity, 175 role in Palm Archipelago toxic outbreak, 174 CYP1A1 role in aristolochic acid bioactivation, 250 duty in placental metabolism, 196 CYP3A4 cooperativity with P-glycoprotein, 86 large-hearted active orientation, 78 CYP3A7, situation in embryoinc bioactivation, 195 CYP1B1, role in polycyclic fragrant hydrocarbon bioactivation, 301 CYP2D6 genetic variants, 81 ultrametabolisers, 81 CYP2E1 oxidant rise during ethanol oxidation, 266 task in acrylamide epoxidation, 252 post in 1,3-butadiene activation, 309 lines in CCl4 metabolism, 170 role in chloroform bioactivation, 182 lines in ethanol metabolism, 263 role in foetal demon rum syndrome, 195 role in paracetamol bioactivation, 164 xenosensor-independent induction, 135 List The using software is sample version. 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